Station of information and refrection
museum for fake facts and rue stories
There is an enourmous Hype about Luther, his work and his person. There are a lot of stories about wht he´d say and what hé´d done, almost like a catholic saint. Dring this Jubilee Year of the 500. anniversary we decided to tell real stories about fake facts which also may concern to real presidents with fake behavior. . .
a block with 7 small show cases and a water provider
a treasure box as a signs for the sale of indulgences
a lighter (made in france) as a sign for the great blaze when wrms was destroyed by the french in 1689
a roofing schingle with scratch marks from one of the demons.
As quoted by Luther: " And if there would be as much demons as roof shingles, I still would go to Worms."
A lacon as a container for Luthers "fart"
Luthers is often very concerned about his digestion. What comes in, must com out. But how?
In his table talks he often mentionde farts and burps.
while beeing in Worms at the diet waiting for the inquiry by the emporer he had to stay in a small room together with other persons. To find some rest in these rough times he might have use a similar kind of earplugs . . .
During the inquiry he got 24 hours to think about his recant. So this might also have been useful to him.
After being faithful to what he was convinced, he could leave the courtyard while shouting: "Throughout!"